"I dare struggle I dare to win I pursue excellence in everything I do. I am a conqueror, I am the best."
Saturday July 16th, Baaking Garduward put his last opponent in his place cementing himself as the first Liberian Golden Gloves Novice Champion. Baaking is 5'7" with a 6-foot wingspan if you're not serious stay out the ring, nobody knows how to fight him. Boxing for 4 months Baaking puts his opponents into submission, dominating fighters with years of experience, the hard work is undeniable, the man trains 6 days a week and comes with something to prove.
"Boxing is not a game it's a fight and only one of us is leaving", says Garduward.
If a fighter of 4 months is dominating fighters of many years let's see what month 5 brings. Baaking has already made his 4 year plan and plans to go pro at age 23.
Go to MEDIA | ColoreCAPITAL (coloredcapital.tv) To see more on Baaking